We Build Building and Great Homes.

We successfully cope with tasks of varying complexity, provide long-term guarantees and regularly master new technologies.

Get in touch

(+380) 50 318 47 07

65 Allerton Street 901 N Pitt Str, Suite 170, VA 22314, USA

Amber Hoiska, Vice President

Amber provides PAC SHIELD with seamless oversight and a talent for project management, business development, marketing and accounting.

Her 25 year career in roofing, coupled with her skillset, is incomparable in the industry. Prior to PAC SHIELD, Amber served as a credit manager for one of the largest distributors of commercial and residential roofing materials, where she cultivated expertise in financial, legal and risk management.

Adaptable and driven, Amber brings an enthusiastic and collaborative approach to the company. In 2022, she was recognized in the annual Women in Leadership issue of Comstock’s Magazine, a salute to extraordinary women breaking barriers and rising to the top.